Dandelions Galore - My Sunday Photo

Every year one of my small lawns is a carpet of Dandelions.  We leave them be, one for the sheer pleasure of seeing their beautiful golden flowers and two for their ability to turn their flowers into fluffy pom-poms seemingly overnight for Miss CCL to blow their seeds and watch them fly into the distance and of course some that end up back on the lawn!

But most importantly, we leave them on the lawn for the bees, the Dandelion flowers are the first Spring food for them and we need our bees!  I also drink Dandelion tea from time to time, their leaves are medicinal and their roots can be roasted and ground into Dandelion "coffee".

So rather than pulling them up or using chemicals to eradicate them, leave them, enjoy them, think of them not as a weed, but more of a medicinal powerhouse.

And don't forget to close your eyes and make a wish...



  1. These are so pretty, I've been out capturing our wildflowers today too, they are such a joy. The definition here is stunning.

  2. Beautiful crisp detail, especially on the dandelion. Great technique.

  3. I love these, my little girl gets all excited every time she see our garden has gained a few more overnight, of course the seeds then get blown everywhere :)

  4. Love the close up of the seeds in the first image. I've lanted some meadow greass this year in the hop of attracting bees etc into the garden.

  5. They do look gorgeous in your phtoto's great capture the details amazing x

  6. Love the sharpness of the first image! Such an iconic childhood image.

  7. My eldest daughter just loves dandelions...Oh wow I never know how useful they could actually be. You captured them so beautifully!xx

  8. Wonderful capture-my two are obsessed with these at the moment. They stop to pick every one they see each morning on the way to school! i love how you've got their delicacy and intricacy.

  9. The detail in these are incredible, our garden tends to get taken over with daisies

    Thank you for linking up

  10. You captured them perfectly. I'm loving all the dandelions about, such lovely splashes of colour on the grass :) #MySundayPhoto

    Fi @ www.fawnsandfables.com

  11. Such a maligned "weed" I love seeing a field full of their golden yellow petals, they are great for insects when in bloom and seed eaters when in seed.

    Oh and great set of photos by the way :)

  12. So nice - you've certainly done a great job of capturing every delicate detail.
    Let me invite you to join in at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/05/the-bubble-man.html

  13. Great photo, I have lots of dandelions too, fortunately the rabbit love thems x

  14. Very well said about the leaving your garden a little and not filling it full of chemicals. We have a wild space in our garden and we dont cut the grass and leave it along. Its great for wildlife, bugs and especially the bees. My daughter loves looking and seeing how our wildness is in our garden. Lovely photos and message!

  15. What a wonderful photos! So interesting to read about the dandelions too.

  16. These are SO beautiful. I love dandelions. These photos are so sharp, I love that you can see so much detail in them. You have such a talent.



  17. My dad comes and cuts my lawn for me so we have a deal that he can remove them from there but leave all the weeds and wildflowers alone around the edge for the bees and butterflies! :) One of Stella's medicines has dandelion in.

  18. Lovely photo of the dandelion clock. There seem to be so many more around on the verges this year

  19. Lion Fuzz!!!! We love it! Great capture! x #MySundayPhoto

  20. Brilliant! The first one is definitely my favourite

  21. I love these. Lovely words to go with the photos, I love blowing these as much as my son does. :) Ray xx #MySundayPhoto

  22. I never really think of dandelions as being weeds, I quite like them and think they can look quite pretty mixed in with other wild flowers. Great photos, so much detail.

  23. Beautiful images and words x

  24. Amazing details! #mysundayphoto

  25. I had planned to make dandelion jam again this year but I was away when they were at their best and then when I was back and had the time, it rained. Now they are all gone over.

  26. What a gorgeous photo! My little girl loves these! #mysundayphoto

  27. I love dandelions, so magical! #MySundayPhoto

  28. Both my gardens are full of dandelions at the moment. I love them, they are kind of magical somehow. :-)

  29. I love dandelions! They are so beautiful, I love blowing them and spreading the seeds too - and you are right, so important to keep our bees happy! xx

    Jasmin Charlotte

  30. STUNNING! detail is superb
